Racial and Ethnic: (7+credit) . Best Essay

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Racial and Ethnic
Racial and Ethnic

The assignment needs to have between 700-1050 words Exam Content Imagine this scenario: You are a city official for your local community, and you have been chosen to work with the summer criminal justice internship program. (Racial and Ethnic) This program has different activities for the interns to engage in, and you have been asked to lead the diversity portion. For each week of the program, you will research and share information on race, ethnicity, and crime based on the local area. This week, you will research data related to the racial and ethnic background of criminal offenders and victims to share with the interns. Understanding the racial and ethnic demographics within your own community will help the interns gain a better understanding of diversity in criminal justice. Use the “Explore data by location and data set” section on the FBI’s Crime Data Explorer website, and research crime, victim, and arrest data by race in your home state. (Racial and Ethnic)Use the following instructions to navigate to the information on that page: Click the “All Data Collections” drop-down menu. Select Crime. Select your home state from the United States map below the menu. Review the crime data that populates for your home state. Click the “All Data Collections” drop-down menu again. Select Arrest. (Racial and Ethnic) Select your home state from the United States map below the menu. Review the arrest data that populates for your home state. Select 2 criminal justice agencies to compare for this assignment. To research the 2 criminal justice agencies that you selected: Access “Criminal Victimization, 2019” on the Bureau of Justice Statistics website data on crime victimization, and review the breakdown of victims by race and ethnicity. Locate the 2 criminal justice agencies’ demographic breakdown data on their local websites. For example, if 1 of your selected agencies was the Mesa Police Department, you would use the Police Employee Demographics & Community Profile Summary from the City of Mesa website. (Racial and Ethnic) Select all violent crimes under crime type and compare victims’ and offenders’ racial and ethnic breakdown as reported by the 2 criminal justice agencies you have selected. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you: Describe which 2 criminal justice agencies you selected and each agency’s staff demographic. Compare racial and ethnic arrest data between the 2 local criminal justice agencies that you selected over a 10-year span. Identify the difference between the 2 related to the race and ethnicity of those arrested. Explain how this information helps illustrate the disparity of criminal offenders and victims. Examine the key conclusions that can be drawn regarding the question of whether different racial and ethnic groups are overrepresented among criminal offenders. Use the concept from your text to explain the racial and ethnic differences in offending. Cite 2 references to support your assignment. Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

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Racial and Ethnic

Racial and Ethnic Differences in Offending

Different studies have raised the alarm about the differences in the offending rates among different ethnic groups. Many studies have associated African Americans with the highest cases of offending, with the Hispanic groups coming second and the whites coming third. (Racial and Ethnic)Arrests vary significantly by racial/ethnic group, according to a report in the NCBI (Gase et al., 2016), with 36.8% of blacks, 30.3% of Hispanics, and 27.9% of whites having once been arrested. In the efforts to fight against criminal activities, understanding the relationship between ethnicity and criminal activities would give an insight into whether racial discrimination could have played a role in committing a crime, thus forming the basis for a fight against criminal activities.

Employee Demography

Humboldt State University

Humboldt State University is located in the county of Humboldt in California. This agency’s crime totals are submitted voluntarily to the FBI via the Summary Reporting System (SRS). Humboldt State University agency, with a total of 2368 employees, had a higher female to male employee ratio where there was a total of 671 females, making a total of 54.78%, while the male percentage was slightly lower at 45.22%, with a total of 554 employees. White (53%), Hispanic or Latino (26%), and Asian (8%) are the most common ethnicities in the Humboldt State University workforce. (Racial and Ethnic)

San Francisco State University agency

On the other hand, with a sum of 5,946 employees, the San Francisco State University agency also had a more excellent female-to-male employee ratio, with females accounting for 51% and males accounting for 48%. The most prevalent ethnicities at San Francisco State University are White 41%, Hispanic or Latino making 25%, and Asian ethnicity making 22%. The differences in the workforce ethnicities have been argued to contribute to the differences in the arrests rates between the ethnicities in the state of California. (Racial and Ethnic)

A Comparison of racial and ethnic arrests between San Francisco State University and Humboldt State University criminal justice agencies

San Francisco State University and Humboldt State University criminal justice agencies voluntarily submitted arrest cases to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), where the statistics for ten years proved that the different ethnic groups had varying arrest rates. (Racial and Ethnic)Out of the total arrest cases reported by the San Francisco State University agency, 671 were whites, 190 were African Americans, and 127 were Asian, signifying 68%, 19%, and 13%, respectively (Collegefactual, n.d.). On the other hand, the Humboldt State University agency had 344 whites, 42 African Americans and 10 Indian Americans cases signifying 86%, 10% and 2%, respectively. Although the two agencies reported arrests for the people of California, the arrests rates were different where the whites had the maximum rates of arrests in the reports by both agencies. (Racial and Ethnic)

The disparity between criminal offenders and victims

The data reported at the FBI demonstrated a disparity in the arrest of offenders where more whites were reported to have been arrested by both agencies that presented their voluntary data. (Racial and Ethnic) The whites were ahead of the people of colour in both the crime rate and the arrests, according to the data inducing a disparity between the whites and the people of colour in the arrest cases. African Americans have, however, been more associated with criminal activities in the past, contrary to the data presented to the FBI by the two agencies. (Racial and Ethnic)


When it comes to police offenders and victims, it is evident that there is indeed a racial disparity. African Americans are more likely than any other race to be both culprits and victims of crime taking literature evidence. (Racial and Ethnic) Several factors could explain this disparity. One reason is that African Americans are likelier than other groups to be poor, and deprivation is linked to the crime. The other possibility is that African Americans are more likely to engage in illegal activities such as dealing drugs, which can lead to violence. (Racial and Ethnic)Finally, some experts believe racism may play a significant role, both in aspects of the disproportionately high number of African Americans stopped and searched by police and the harsher penalties that are frequently imposed on African American violators. This has a wide-ranging impact both on the justice system as well as on society overall. It is critical to continue investigating the causes of the disparity in terms of developing programs and policies to address it. However, considering the reports reported by San Francisco State University and Humboldt State University criminal justice agencies, the Whites had a higher arrest rate than the blacks raising the issue of ethnic disparities in criminal cases and calling for a rigorous recording and investigation of the determination of crimes. (Racial and Ethnic)



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